:Base Sonic.HLP>lgw95sec :Title Sonic Help 1 How to Play the Game=IDH_HOW_TO_PLAY>lgw95sec 1 README=!EF("Readme.txt","",1,"") 1 Basic Game Control 2 Keyboard and Joystick Controls=IDH_CONTROLS>lgw95sec 2 Changing to Full Screen View=IDH_FULL_SCREEN 2 Pause=IDH_PAUSE 2 Reset=IDH_RESET_GAME 2 Restart Stage=IDH_RESTART_STAGE 2 Exit=IDH_EXIT 1 Menu Bar 2 Game Menu=IDH_GAME_MENU 2 Options Menu=IDH_OPTIONS_MENU 2 Help Menu=IDH_HELP_MENU 1 More Game Play Information 2 Play Music=IDH_PLAY_MUSIC>(w95sec) 2 Saved Games=IDH_SAVED_GAMES>(w95sec) 2 Scoring=IDH_SETTLING_THE_SCORE 2 Super Items=IDH_SUPER_ITEMS>(w95sec) 2 Super Stunts=IDH_SONIC_S_SUPER_STUNTS>lgw95sec 2 The Special Stage=IDH_THE_SPECIAL_STAGE>(w95sec) 2 Time Attack!=IDH_TIME_ATTACK>(w95sec) 2 Time Warp=IDH_TIME_WARP>(w95sec) 2 Visual Mode=IDH_VISUAL_MODE>(w95sec) 2 Zoom Through the Zones!=IDH_ZOOM_THROUGH_THE_ZONES>main 1 Advanced Game Control 2 Change Controls=IDH_CHANGE_CONTROLS>(w95sec) 2 Smooth Sonic or Fast Sonic=IDH_CHANGE_SOUND_SETTINGS>(w95sec) 1 Cast of Characters 2 Good Guys 3 Sonic=IDH_SONIC>lgw95sec 3 Amy=IDH_AMY>lgw95sec 2 Bad Guys 3 Dr. Robotnik=IDH_DR_ROBOTNIK>lgw95sec 3 Metal Sonic=IDH_METAL_SONIC>lgw95sec 3 Robot Ant=IDH_ROBOT_ANT>lgw95sec 3 Robot Bee=IDH_ROBOT_BEE>lgw95sec 3 Robot Beetle=IDH_ROBOT_BEETLE>lgw95sec 3 Robot Butterfly=IDH_ROBOT_BUTTERFLY>lgw95sec 3 Robot Grasshopper=IDH_ROBOT_GRASSHOPPER>lgw95sec 3 Robot Mantis=IDH_ROBOT_MANTIS>lgw95sec 3 Robot Mosquito=IDH_ROBOT_MOSQUITO>lgw95sec 3 Robot Scorpion=IDH_ROBOT_SCORPION>lgw95sec 3 Robot Snail=IDH_ROBOT_SNAIL>lgw95sec 3 Robot Spider=IDH_ROBOT_SPIDER>lgw95sec 3 Robot Water Beetle=IDH_ROBOT_WATER_BEETLE>lgw95sec 1 Game Lore 2 A World that Defies Time=IDH_A_WORLD_THAT_DEFIES_TIME>lgw95sec 2 History of the Sonic Games=IDH_HISTORY>main 2 Sonic Boom: The Song=IDH_SONIC_BOOM>lgw95sec 1 Legal Stuff 2 Copyrights and Trademarks=IDH_COPYRIGHTS_AND_TRADEMARKS>lgw95sec 1 Other Help 2 How to Use Help=!EF("Winhlp32.hlp","",1,"") 2 Contact Address=IDH_HOTLINE